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Group detail - DNRP/WTD - Brightwater Treatment Plant (BW)

Name: DNRP/WTD - Brightwater Treatment Plant (BW)
Description: Brightwater is the name for the new 36-mgd treatment plant and its associated conveyance facilities and marine outfall. The Brighwater Plant has been in operation since 2010 and is located in south Snohomish County.
Parent group: DNRP/WTD - Director's Office
Phone: 206-263-9477
Secondary phone: 206-684-2408
Mail stop: BWO-NR-0100
Group location:
Brightwater Group
22505 SR 9 SE
Woodinville, WA 98072
Reports to: Rebecca Singer , Operations Manager
>Group contact: Matthew Nolan , Wastewater Treatment Plant Manager
Web link:
Keywords: Brightwater, NTF, north treatment facility, RWSP
Printable phone list: Staff
Group employees
Employee name Title Phone
Apodaca, Raymond Senior Operator (206) 263-9550
Archuleta, Dan (Angelo) Operations Supervisor (206) 263-9517
Baxter, James Industrial Maintenance Mechanic TLT (206) 477-8689
Block, Daniel Gardener (206)
Boze, Jordan Utlity Worker (206) 263-0860
Brown, Andre Utility Worker I (TLT) (206)
Crowley, Chase Operator (206)
Davidson, Justin Wastewater Treatment Operator (206)
Davis, Damon Seasonal Helper (206)
Fletcher, Gary Senior Operator (206) 263-9489
Gibbons, Katherine Engineer IV (206) 263-1266
Griffenberg, Isaac Operator (206) 263-9490
Hanks, Isaac Master Electrician (206) 263-0626
Hannon, Gerald (Jerry) Senior Operator (206) 263-8190
Harmon, James Master Industrial Mechanic (206) 477-7782
Hart, John Industrial Electrician (206)
Haverfield, Michael Maintenance Worker (206)
Haworth, Robert Senior Operator (206)
Heuer, Keith Master Industrial Mechanic Lead (206) 477-6605
Holliman, Scott Utility Worker I TLT (206) 477-7076
Houck, Tremaine IPS II (206) 477-6603
Jangam, Nitya Engineer II (206) 848-0498
Kremer, Arron Industrial Instrument Tech (206)
Kusardi, Steven Engineer II (206) 477-1846
Lira, Adelia Communications Specialist III (206) 263-9462
Lommer, Steve Industrial Maintenance Worker (206) 477-3472
Miller, Brent Instrument Technician (206) 263-9526
Mokszycki, Mark Senior Operator (206) 263-9501
Moors, James Supervisor III (206) 477-6606
Morales, Adriane Process Engineer I TLT (206) 4776152
Neal, Douglas (Doug) WW Operations Engineer Supervisor (206) 477-0279
Nelson, Carol Process Analyst III (206) 263-9516
Nienaber, Joel Operator (206)
Nolan, Matthew Wastewater Treatment Plant Manager (206) 263-9483
Pride, Dylan Industrial Electrician (206)
Rambough, F. (Blaine) Industrial Master Mechanic (206) 263-9504
Reppun, Carl Instrument Technician (206) 477-7967
Restovic, Pam Senior Operator (206) 263-9522
Rheaume, Joseph Senior Operator (206)
Shadel, Jonathan Gardener (206) 263-9492
Stout, Patricia (Pat) Wastewater Support Specialist (206) 263-9465
Turner, Alex Utility Worker I TLT (206) 477-9621
Williams, Samayyah ProcessEngineer I (206) 477-0650
Yih, Theo Process Engineer I TLT (206) 4776152
York, Kelly Custodian (206)

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Subordinate groups
Group name Reports no Group phone
DNRP/WTD/Brightwater Operations - Conveyance    (206) 684-2113 

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