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Group detail - DAJD/CCD - Electronic Home Detention

Name: DAJD/CCD - Electronic Home Detention
Description: EHD is an alcohol and drug free residential alternative where offenders go to work, school, or treatment during the day and return to a secure facility at night. Offenders who work at night are required to spend the day at the facility.
Parent group: DAJD - Community Corrections Division (CCD)
Phone: 206-296-1240
Fax: 206-296-1797
Mail stop: YES-AD-0260
Group location:
Yesler Building
400 Yesler Way Rm 260
Seattle, WA 98104-2683
Reports to: John Markholt , EHD Corrections Supervisor
>Group contact: Yolima (Yoli) Gerasimov , Adminstrative Specialist III
Web link:
Printable phone list: Staff
Group employees
Employee name Title Phone
Bennett, Anttimo Caseworker (206) 205-9464
Burns, Leonard Corrections Program Supervisor Intake Services, Electronic Home Detention (206) 477-2314
Byrd, Michael Caseworker (206) 477-8624
Diep, Linda Caseworker (206) 477-8520
Gerasimov, Yolima (Yoli) Adminstrative Specialist III (206) 477-0653
Jaber, Kekoa (Steve) CaseWorker (206) 296-1240
Kahikina, Christine Caseworker (206) 477-4216
Ledemen, John Caseworker JMS SDA (206) 477-2307
Luna, Marcos Caseworker (206) 477-2455
Markholt, John EHD Corrections Supervisor (206) 477-2306
Peterman, Kevin Caseworker (206) 477-3429
Sepulveda, Veronica Caseworker (206) 477-1330
Shvedova, Margarita AS II (206) 477-7672
Wiger, Cade Caseworker (206) 206-477-5636

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