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Online Directory

  Group Detail

Name: The Defender Association Division (TDAD)
Description: The King County Department of Public Defense represents indigent adults and children facing a loss of liberty. Our department is an independent voice that promotes justice and equity for our clients and advocates for their objectives, interests, and dignity.
Parent Group: Department of Public Defense (DPD) Director's Office
Phone: 206-477-8700
Fax: 206-447-2349
Group Location:
Dexter Horton Building 7th floor
710 2nd Ave
Seattle, WA  98104
Reports To:  
Web Link:
Keywords: Public Defense
Printable Phone Lists  Staff

Group Employees

Employee Name Title Phone
Adair, Mark Attorney (206) 477-8702
Aitken, Kaitlyn Supervising Attorney (206) 477-8703
Alonzo, Selena Attorney (206) 477-8886
Angous, Elizabeth Legal Administrative Specialist II (206) 477-8705
Atkins, Cecilia Rule 9 Intern (206) 477-0344
Aull, Elbert Attorney (206) 263-6784
Barcenas, Shantiel Public Defense Paralegal (206) 8948-0535
Bargemann, Cory Public Defense Attorney (206) 263-1753
Behar, Brianna Attorney (206) 477-5671
Benoit, Haley Social Worker Intern (206) 477-8594
Betamax, Atari Legal Administrative Specialist II (206) 477-8786
Bradley, Mark Attorney (206) 477-8713
Bradlow, Rebecca Attorney (206) 477-8714
Breeton, Angela Paralegal (206) 477-8801
Bronkema, Rachel Public Defense Attorney (206) 848-0210
Callier, LaCresha (Cree) Legal Administrative Specialist II (206) 477-8477
Carr, James Attorney (206) 477-9790
Carter-Eldred, Scott Attorney (206) 263-2537
Conner, Lauren Supervising Attorney (206) 477-4280
Cortes-Alvarez, Kely Rule 9 Intern (206) 477-0441
Covert, Darcy Attorney (206) 477-6421
Davis, Courtney Legal Administrative Specialist II (206) 848-0683
Dell'Amore, Julia Public Defense Legal Assistant (206) 263-2341
Deneroff, Michael Public Defense Attorney (206) 263-1756
Dewey, Trina Investigator (206) 263-8943
Diop, Safietou Marieme Public Defense Attorney (206) 848-0196
Easley, Brandon Public Defense Attorney (206) 263-1761
Edwards, Katharine Supervising Attorney (206) 477-8723
Ehlers, Kyle Attorney (206) 477-8633
Elmore, Nina Mitigation Specialist - Supervisor (206) 477-8724
Emmick, Matthew Public Defense Attorney (206) 477-3616
Ewers, John Attorney (206) 477-8725
Field, Austin Attorney (206) 477-6657
Franklin, Christopher Attorney (206) 477-8731
Frias, Enrique Investigator (206) 263-8139
Frost, Matthew Public Defense Attorney (206) 263-1764
Gambino, Julie Mitigation Specialist (206) 263-3056
Garcia, Brian Paralegal (206)
Gibbs, Devon Attorney (206) 477-8733
Giles, Jessica Legal Administrative Specialist II (206) 477-8700
Goldsmith, Benjamin Managing Attorney (206) 477-8734
Gregory, Gerald Investigator (206) 477-8735
Gusa, Amy Legal Administrative Specialist II (206) 263-0870
Hansen, Mia Attorney (206) 477-5401
Harding, Clara Paralegal (206) 848-0252
Hareas, Christopher Rule 9 Intern (206) 477-0565
Harlin, Ruby Legal Assistant (206) 477-3581
Harmon, Courtney Investigator (206) 477-6596
Harvey, Shannon Investigator (206) 477-8739
Hein, Iman Legal Administrative Specialist II (206) 263-8010
Helitzer, Eliane Public Defense Attorney (206) 263-1767
Henning, Sarah Public Defense Attorney (206) 848-0250
Hodder, Brian Investigator (206) 477-8742
Honore, Travis Attorney (206) 477-8743
Hooks, Vincent Attorney (206) 263-0975
Huffman, Carey Attorney (206) 477-8820
Jackson, Christine Supervising Attorney (206) 477-8819
Jones, Sandy Public Defense Attorney (206) 477-5046
Kaitlin, Hoover Legal Assistant (206) 477-8928
Kang, Grace Public Defense Attorney (206) 263-1765
Kelley, Shannon Mitigation Specialist (206) 477-8498
Kumar, Ashwin Attorney (206) 477-8692
Kumar, Saneel Paralegal (206) 263-2210
Laidlaw, Rowan Public Defense Attorney (206) 477-6550
Lederer, Rebecca Attorney (206) 477-8753
Lee, D'Lawanda Legal Administrative Specialist II (206) 263-1667
Lerner, Noah Attorney (206) 263-1186
Liu, Angela Public Defense Attorney (206) 263-1857
Lorang, Joseph Rule 9 Intern (206) 477-0436
Lucas-Smith, Carnissa Attorney (206) 477-3673
Lukk, Mikk Attorney (206) 477-8765
Malcolm, Hayley Attorney (206) 477-3654
Mamadou, Jawo Investigator (206) 848-0964
Martin, Aimee Mitigation Specialist (206) 263-0873
Martin, Dennis Attorney (206) 477-4617
McKee, Nastassia Legal Administrative Specialist II (206) 477-8757
Melnick, Katie Public Defense Attorney (206) 848-0176
Mendoza-Castrejon, Monica Rule 9 Intern (206) 477-0440
Mills, Max Attorney (206) 477-6654
Morris, Kathryn Attorney (206) 263-2565
Nguyen, Ami Attorney (206) 477-8597
O'Neill, Madeleine Attorney (206) 477-7968
Oakley, Jeffrey Attorney (206) 263-2567
Parisky, Elizabeth Attorney (206) 263-3028
Paynter, Thomas Attorney (206) 848-0911
Perler, Rachel Attorney (206) 848-0839
Phengphachanh, Venus Legal Administrative Specialist II (206) 477-8921
Pollitt, Henry Public Defense Attorney (206) 477-1820
Potts, Cory (William) Investigator (206) 477-4304
Prado, Arnold Paralegal (206) 477-8766
Prestia, William Attorney (206) 477-8768
Price, Millie Public Defense Attorney (206) 848-0179
Quintana, Esperanza Public Defense Paralegal (206) 477-8388
Redman, Helen Supervising Attorney (206) 477-8807
Roberts, Lorraine Attorney (206) 477-8770
Roman, Hannah Attorney (206) 477-8847
Rueda Herrera, Elizabeth Paralegal (206) 848-0025
Rusher, Erika Attorney (206) 263-1920
Ruttenberg, Dustin Mitigation Specialist (206) 848-0200
Ruvinsky, Elysia Attorney (206) 477-9748
Saly, Elaine Attorney (206) 263-0976
Sanchez, Sebastian Mitigation Specialist (206) 263-8424
Sanguinetti, Bopha Mitigation Specialist (206) 477-8773
Sartwell, Bekka Mitigation Specialist (206) 477-6653
Scott, Debra Investigator (206) 477-8775
Selk, Christian Investigator - Supervisor (206) 477-8777
Sichel, Whitney Supervising Attorney (206) 477-8719
Sillyman, Jacob Attorney (206) 477-8413
Silvestre, Selene Program supervisor (206) 477-8781
Sims, Joseph Public Defense Attorney (206) 477-3158
Sky, Sean Paralegal (206) 263-9207
Smith, Cheyenne Attorney (206) 477-6645
Spencer, Erick Attorney (206) 477-8783
Stanley, Katie Legal Administrative Specialist II (206) 263-8014
Stearn, Theresa Legal Administrative Specialist II (206) 477-8822
Sternberg Lamb, Jeanette Public Defense Attorney (206) 477-6390
Stewart, Anika Paralegal (206) 263-0256
Struble, Micalyn Rule 9 Intern (206) 477-0507
Sullivan, Rebecca Attorney (206) 263-1634
Swope, Leah Paralegal (206) 477-3656
Thomas, Leona Attorney (206) 477-8809
Tran, Hong Attorney (206) 477-8787
Tsui, Ariel Attorney (206) 477-8917
Turner, Tiffanie Paralegal (206) 477-8810
Vavrick, Doug Paralegal (206) 477-8791
Vonslomski, Robert Paralegal (206) 477-2381
Wallace, Katy Supervising Attorney (206) 477-8794
Walsh, Jacob Attorney (206) 477-3873
Whyte, Lindsey Attorney (206) 263-0915
Wiggins, Henry Attorney (206) 477-8811
Williams, Holly Mitigation Specialist (206) 263-2980
Williams, Shane Attorney (206) 477-7256
Young, Lei Attorney (206) 477-8795
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