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  Group Detail

Name: DCHS/Behavioral Health and Recovery Division (BHRD)
Description: The mission of the King County Behavioral Health and Recovery Division (BHRD) is to insure that persons with severe mental illness and substance use issues have access to a system of care within the community which is comprehensive,
Parent Group: Department of Community and Human Services (DCHS) Director's Office
Phone: 206-263-9000
Fax: 206-296-0583
Mail Stop: CNK-HS-0400
Group Location:
Chinook Building
401 5th Ave Ste 0400
Seattle, WA 98104
Reports To:  
Web Link:
Keywords: behavioral health, substance use disorder, outpatient, co-occuring disorders
Printable Phone Lists  Staff

Group Employees

Employee Name Title Phone
Baylen, Chelsea PPM III-Veterans Justice (206) 477-2726
Behavioral Health and Recovery, KC Information (206) 263-9000
Benet, Jesse Diversion & Reentry Services Section Manager (206) 263-8956
Berganio, Jackie Project/Program Manager III-Prevention (206) 263-8931
Bergh, Cynthia (Cindy) Project/Program Manager II (Care Authorizer) (206) 263-8985
Besel, Amanda Peer Bridger Supervisor - PPM III (206) 263-3585
Black, Joseph (Joe) Social Services Specialist (Peer Bridger) (206) 225-7085
Bridgett, Fields Project/Program Manager II (206) 263-0545
Brock, Melanie Social Services Professional (Hospital Placement & Diversion Liaison) (206) 477-7239
Cartun, Danelle Project/Program Manager II (206) 263-9006
Cesa, Anna Client Services Specialist (206) 263-0315
Cisson, Kimberly Project/Program Manager III (206) 263-8782
Clinton, Shanna Competency & Intensive Services Coordinator (206) 263-5747
Cooper-Nurse, James Youth and Family Prevention Section Manager (206) 263-8966
Couch, Frank PPM III Behavioral Health Quality Mgmt Specialist (206) 477-5290
Davis, Sean PPM IV-BH Contracts Manager (206) 263-8981
De Leon Carvajal, Monica Executive Assistant I (206) 477-6156
Depew, Tiffanie Project/Program Manager III (206) 263-0582
Edwards, Dannesse Social Worker (206) 263-0801
Fields, Bridgett Social Services Professional (206) 263-0545
Flatley, Amanda FIMC Program Manager (206) 263-0723
Floyd, Dan Care Coordination and Recovery Section Manager (206) 263-8961
Floyd, Lisa PPM III-PACT & Supported Employment (206) 263-8959
Follett, Adrienne Care Authorizer (206) 477-7559
Guizar, Maria Project/Program Manager III (206) 263-2159
Gustaveson, Steve Opioid Use Disorders Program Manager (206) 263-8928
Hewett, Carolina Social Services Professional (Hospital Placement & Diversion Liaison) (206) 263-6778
Hibbler, Rasheena Project/Program Manager II (Contract Monitor) (206) 263-1085
Jacobson, Audrey (Avreayl) Children's Mental Health Planner (206) 263-1125
James, Erin PPM III - Outreach Marijuana Prevention Coordinator (206) 477-7657
Janovich, Ileana Project/Program Manager II (206) 263-1208
Jernigan, Carol Project/Program Manager II (206) 263-8933
Jiles, NaCoubi Youth Crisis Coordination - PPM III (206) 477-6986
Jones, Isabel Deputy Division Director (206) 263-3521
Lopes, Lindsay PPM II - Contract Monitor (206) 263-0919
Manning, Loren Functional Analyst II (206) 263-1350
Mclaughlin, Susan Director (206)
Mitchell, Christopher PPM II -Diversion and Reentry (206) 263-8951
Mitchell, Christy Chemical Dependency Case Monitor (206) 296-1334
Mosby, Delton Program Manager II (206) 263-8118
Moyes, Stephanie Project/Program Manager III (206) 263-9064
Murphy, Kathleen Behavioral Health Recovery Specialist PPM III (206)
Murphy, Patricia (Patsy) SUD Care Authorizer (206) 477-1080
Ouellette, Audrey Project/Program Manager II (Contract Monitor) (206) 263-3170
Piatt, Christine Hospital Placement and Diversion Supervisor (206) 263-6797
Quinn, Laura Project Program Manager III (206) 263-8938
Reading, Michael Chief of Operations (206) 263-8854
Rogers, LaTonya Social Services Specialist (206) 263-3894
Saelee, Chan Project/Program Manager II (206) 263-1471
Sanders, Carolanne Lead Jail Diverson/Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion Specialist (206) 477-9216
Shreve, Jodie Client Services Specialist (206) 477-7551
Smith, Latrecia (Trese) Social Services Specialist (Peer Bridger) (206) 305-7532
Soukup, Margaret Project/Program Manager III - SBIRT (206) 263-8958
Spoelman, Karen Chief, Managed Care, Cross Systems & Contracting (206) 263-8982
Stake, Deborah Project/Program Manager II (206) 263-8950
Stephens, Carline Project/Program Manager II (206) 477-8852
Tomlin, Sandy Project/Program Manager III (206) 263-8957
Williams, Katrina SUD Care Authorizer - Project Program Manager II (206) 477-0541
Winslow, Jennifer Program Manager III (206) 263-0599
Wyatt, Jennifer SBIRT Coordinator (206) 263-8766
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Subordinate Groups

Group Name Reports To Group Phone
DCHS/BHRD - Crisis & Commitment Services (CCS)    (206) 263-9200 
DCHS/BHRD - Emergency Service Patrol (ESP)  Dan Floyd (206) 477-6161 
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Group Services

Service Name Web Link Service Phone
HIPAA Web Page ( Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ) 206-263-8941
Mental Health Ombuds Service of King County   206-205-5329
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