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Service Detail - Large Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Program

Service Name: Large Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Program
Service Phone: 206-477-4608
Service Fax: 206-296-0192
Service Mail Stop: KSC-NR-0600
Group Name: DNRP/WLRD/CSS - Stormwater Capital Team
Description: The units within the Capital Projects and Open Space Acquisitions Section matrix-manage the implementation of Large Capital Improvement Projects (CIPs) requested by four WLRD core businesses. Large CIPs are implemented for water and land resource protection, enhancement and restoration, and for stormwater management. The section staff members provide project management, property services, and construction management services, as well as engineering and environmental design and consultant management, when applicable.
Service TTY: 800-833-6388
Web Link:
Keywords: large CIP, capital improvement project, CPOSA
Groups That Provide This Service
Group Name Phone
DNRP/WLRD/CSS - Stormwater Capital Team (206)

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