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  Service Detail

Service Name: Snoqualmie Watershed Stewardship
Service Phone: 206-477-4762
Service Fax: 206-296-0192
Service Mail Stop: KSC-NR-0600
Group Name: DNRP/WLRD/RRS - Watershed Stewardship
Description: Provides the following services in the Snoqualmie stream basin; identifying habitat restoration, acquisition and contruction projects; seek funding for (including grants) and facilitate partnership with other agencies and communities to implement these projects; provide technical assistance, raise awareness and facilitate communications to landowners and agencies; respond to citizen and agency concerns, questions and problems; helo coordinate volunteer events and watershed monitoring activities; review development projects and follow up on permit compliance activities.
Service TTY: 800-833-6388
Web Link:
Keywords: snoqualmie, basin, stewardship, volunteer, restoration
Groups That Provide This Service
Group Name Phone
DNRP/WLRD/RRS - Watershed Stewardship (206) 477-4800
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