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Group detail - DPH/PD - Vital Records

Name: DPH/PD - Vital Records
Description: Issues certified copies of birth and death certificates.
Parent group: DPH/PD - Vital Records
Phone: 206-837-0719
Mail stop: KSC-PH-0220
Group location:
King Street Center
201 S Jackson St Rm 220
Seattle, WA 98104-3855
Reports to:  
>Group contact: Robbie Gaskin , Project Program Mananger III
Web link:
Keywords: vital stats, statistics, birth, death, certificates, records
Printable phone list: Staff
Group employees
Employee name Title Phone
Bogan, Diane Customer Service Specialist III (206) 296-4768
Gaskin, Robbie Project Program Mananger III (206) 897-4578
Locke, Julie Customer Service Specialist II (206) 296-4768
Rodriguez, Hilary Customer Service Specialist II (206) 296-4770
Tangalan, Frances Grace Customer Service Specialist II (206) 897-4577
Vital Records, Customer Service Information (206) 837-0719
Wise, Darin Customer Service Specialist II (206) 477-0349

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Subordinate groups
Group name Reports no Group phone
DPH/PD - Vital Records    (206) 837-0719 

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Group services
Service name Web link Service phone
Birth Certificates 206-837-0719
Death Certificates 206-837-0719

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