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Online Directory

  Group Detail

Name: DNRP/WLRD - Rural and Regional Services Section
Description: Interlocal Watershed/Salmon Recovery Services, Hazardous Waste Management, Groundwater Program, Open Space Acquisitions Section, Ecological Services Unit, Noxious Weeds Program, Basin Stewardship Program.
Parent Group: DNRP - Water and Land Resources Division (WLRD)
Phone: 206-477-4800
Fax: 206-296-0192
Mail Stop: KSC-NR-5600
Group Location:
King Street Center
201 S Jackson Street, Suite 5600
Seattle, WA 98104-3855
Reports To: Joan Lee , Section Manager
Group Contact: Andrea Plischke , Contract Specialist I
Web Link:
Keywords: watershed, weeds, real estate, salmon, groundwater, hazardous waste, stewardship,
Printable Phone Lists  Staff

Group Employees

Employee Name Title Phone
Dahlstrom, Maureen Administrator III (206) 477-4777
Lee, Joan Section Manager (206) 477-4751
Leichliter, Renee Administrative Coordinator (206) 848-0836
Martin, Richard Environmental Programs Managing Supervisor (206) 477-3876
Moore, Megan Administrative Specialist III (206) 477-9334
Triplett, Lauren Administrative Specialist III (206) 263-3485
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Subordinate Groups

Group Name Reports To Group Phone
DNRP/WLRD/RRS - Agriculture, Forestry and Incentives  Richard Martin (206) 477-4834 
DNRP/WLRD/RRS - Groundwater Protection Program  Janne Kaje (206) 477-4805 
DNRP/WLRD/RRS - ILA (Interlocal Agreement) Services  Janne Kaje (206) 477-4800 
DNRP/WLRD/RRS - Noxious Weed Control Program  Steven Burke (206) 477-9333 
DNRP/WLRD/RRS - Open Space Acquisitions  (206) 477-4712 
DNRP/WLRD/RRS - Watershed Stewardship  Janne Kaje (206) 477-4800 
DNRP/WLRD/RS - Policy Direction and Performance  (206) 477-4800 
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Group Services

Service Name Web Link Service Phone
Bear Creek Habitat Restoration Programs 206-477-4743
Bear Creek Preservation Programs (Waterways 2000) 206-477-4743
Cedar River Council   206-477-4654
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Online Directory