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  Service Detail

Service Name: Discharge Permits and Authorizations for Industrial Wastewater
Service Phone: 206-477-5300
Service Fax: 206-263-3001
Service Mail Stop: KSC-NR-0513
Group Name: DNRP/WTD/ECSS - Industrial Waste Program (IW)
Description: Program issues approvals to industries discharging industrial wastewater into the county wastewater treatment system. Type of approval (permit, discharge authorization, letter of authorization, etc.) is determined by the nature of the business, the volume and characteristics of wastewater, and potential risk to the system.
Service TTY: 711-
Web Link:
Keywords: Industrial Waste, pretreatment, wastewater, sewer, discharge
Groups That Provide This Service
Group Name Phone
Department of Natural Resources and Parks (DNRP) (206) 477-4700
DNRP/WTD/ECSS - Industrial Waste Program (IW) (206) 477-5300
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