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  Service Detail

Service Name: Major River Capital Projects
Service Phone: 206-477-4812
Service Fax: 206-205-5134
Service Mail Stop: KSC-NR-0600
Group Name: DNRP/WLRD - River and Floodplain Management Section (RFMS)
Description: Coordination of major river maintenance projects and programs in the Flood Hazard Reduction section. Plan Capital Improvement Projects needed for major facility maintenance. Project planning, prioritization, engineering, design, project management and funding is performed for the rivers CIP projects.
Service TTY: 206-
Web Link:
Keywords: Rivers CIP, CIP, major maintenance, levee, revetment
Groups That Provide This Service
Group Name Phone
DNRP/WLRD - River and Floodplain Management Section (RFMS) (206) 477-4812
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Employees That Provide This Service
Emp Name Phone
Bean, Thomas (Tom) (206) 477-4638
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Places To Find This Service
Place Name Phone
King Street Center (206)
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Online Directory